

G.H.O.S.T., 2014 – music performance, 10 min (photos: the artist and Edgard Berendsen)
Rehearsal views, Kunsthaus KuLe Berlin & Sophiensaele Berlin, 2014


G.H.O.S.T. is a sound work for classical ensemble, drum kit and pop music samples. It exists as both an analogue version, performed by musicians in a concert hall, and as a digital version, performed by an audio player on a website. It focuses on the theme of embodiment from a musical perspective and performs an image transfer between cultural codes of classical and pop. Instruments from pop music and classical music are assigned motifs, which become the subject of a dynamic imitative relationship. The performed and sampled sounds that emerge from this relationship are mixed together and the boundary between the two sides is soon dissolved, until it is finally no longer recognisable which instrument embodies which sound. The image transfer turns into an image transfer feedback loop and morphs into an uncontrollable momentum of its own.

G.H.O.S.T., 2014
studio production, 
2 channel audio, 8:40 min


G.H.O.S.T., 2014 – website, audio player, text, 2 channel audio, 8:40 min 
video documentation


G.H.O.S.T., 2014 – excerpt from the score

G.H.O.S.T., 2014 – music performance, 10 min (photo: Edgard Berendsen)
Performance view, Premiere, Sophiensaele Berlin, 2014